
Middleton Family

Pastor Middleton and Family

Pastor Daniel Middleton, one of fourteen children, grew up in a country home in Ohio. His family attended church faithfully, and his mom led him to the Lord when he was four years old. He graduated from a Christian school in 1986 and enrolled in Hyles-Anderson College that fall. In 1987, he began dating Tina (Duke) and they were married in 1990. They have eight wonderful children: Elisabeth, Philip (married to Victoria Pankratz), Danielle, Luke, Timothy, Candace, Hannah, and Adam.

Pastor Middleton graduated from Hyles-Anderson College in 1996. In 1998 he became the bus director and a Christian school teacher at First Baptist Church of Kenmore in Akron, Ohio. One year later, in the fall of 1999, he moved to Columbia Tennessee, where he served for two and one-half years as the bus director at Lighthouse Baptist Church and a teacher in their Christian school. He became the pastor of Mars Hill Baptist Bible Church in April 2002. He and his wife began picking up people for church with their family van. In 2004, the church purchased its first bus. Pastor Middleton faithfully drove that bus every week. God gave the church a second bus a few years later. Throughout the years, many souls have been saved as a result of the ministries at Mars Hill Baptist Bible Church.

Our Church Staff

Pastor Middleton

Daniel Middleton

Senior Pastor

Tina Middleton

Tina Middleton

Junior Church Teacher